Enabling Enterprise Application Integration

Ready Platforms For Business Readiness

Integration – critical to process efficiency

The ability to see reality as it actually is and not as it might be and then respond swiftly in an appropriate manner has elevated the importance of EAI initiatives for businesses today. Organizations in financial services, healthcare, manufacturing – even government – are all challenged today with how to capture transactions and other business critical data in real-time, how to correlate information across various systems and applications to establish a clear up-to-date vision how to access the current developments are affecting the enterprise, and then take actions that exploits market opportunities and deflects competitive threats.

SynapSiS, your go-to-integrator

Synapsis provides integration services focused on high-end enterprise systems and critical system by designing, building, and supporting large-scale integration solutions based on SOA, EAI, and Big Data. Synapsis services will help Businesses to integrate existing enterprise application portfolio, using most suitable applicable technologies like MOM, SOA, Event-Driven Architecture, Application Level integration, Data level integration, and others.

With integration comes opportunities

Enterprise Integration Solutions will allow Businesses to

    • Connect various existing business applications to streamline processes and to get the most out of data
    • This enables efficient management and control through informed decision making process
    • This enables ability to quickly and cost effectively implement new applications and integrations over distributed systems.
    • This enables businesses to implement data level API, application level API (application connectors/adapters) and achieve process integration spanning cloud-resident components and on-premises endpoints.
    • This enables and achieves uniform data formats (XML, JSON, ASN.1, etc.) and data standards (EDIFACT, HL7, SWIFT and others)
    • Data mapping and transformation, data quality, routing and orchestration

Servicing the 360 of integration needs

Synapsis EAI Services include

  • Integration Strategy Services
  • Strategy Initiation Workshop
  • Current State Assessment
  • Roadmap
  • Governance Framework
  • Organization Process
  • Center of Excellence – CoE

Integration Architecture Services

  • Architecture Services—for SOA
  • BPM
  • MDM
  • business optimization—Solution Architecture
  • Enterprise Architecture and Standards
  • Architecture HealthCheck
  • Enterprise Architecture Assessment
  • Solution Architecture Assessment
  • Go-Live Readiness Assessment

Integration Implementation Services

  • Project Discovery
  • Design and Implementation
  • Performance Engineering
  • Solution Testing with Testing Accelerators
  • User Experience Optimization
  • Engineering Expertise
  • Subject Matter Experts and Product Mentors
  • Upgrades and Migrations
  • Product Training.

Get in touch with us