State  Governments

Transforming the Public Sector

Trusted MBE/BEP Certified Public Sector Partner

SynapSiS is a committed partner to multiple government agencies and educational institutions in Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Indiana, Tennessee, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and Maryland. We are revolutionizing the way governments provide services to their customers with the help of dedicated SynapSiS public sector subject matter experts that include project work in:


  • MMIS Modernization
  • PBMS Modernization


SynapSiS is nationally certified MBE/BEP by the NMSDC and State certified MBE in Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Missouri, Tennessee, and Wisconsin.

Our Services

Health & Human Services Support

From WIC, Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP/TANF to CCWIS, CHIP, and beyond, we have the expertise to develop, integrate, and support technology solutions for each of these programs.

Data Warehousing

Build the best of breed enterprise data warehouse for your health system by optimizing data from multiple sources so it can be used for better decision making.

Digital Strategy & Transformation

Designing digital services from care delivery to support services.

Application Modernization

Leveraging APIs for the consolidation of legacy systems to align more closely with current business needs.

Data Integration

Developing integration solutions so systems can talk to each other safely and securely, using open standards for data and interoperability.


We will unlock the benefits of data available across care settings while employing the bedrock of cybersecurity standards around privacy and data sharing with our solutions.

Digital Strategy & Transformation

From enabling B2B, B2C or B2B2C to mixing data analytics with IoT and AI.

Data Analytics

Unlock data-driven BI and re-imagine healthcare by making sense of your data.

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